
Hello there, my name is Joanna Allen, welcome to my website. I’m assuming that if you have clicked on the link to my site that you are interested in either finding out more about Spiritual Direction in general or about what I might have to offer in particular. Either way I hope that you find the site both interesting and helpful in your spiritual quest.

To begin then, I find that people usually ask me a number of similar questions when they hear that I am a Spiritual Director. Generally these are: what is Spiritual Direction; what is a Spiritual Director; what happens in a Spiritual Direction session; and sometimes a more specific question about me and why I choose to be a Spiritual Director and finally, there’s often a question about how much Spiritual Direction costs?

Perhaps some or all of these questions might be on your mind too, so I have endeavoured to answer each of them on this website.

Introduction About me Spiritual Direction Ignatian Spiritual Exercises Cost Contact